Viratrip Support


You can check our online documentation to get answers to your most frequently asked questions:

Your data

Your data security is a priority for Viratrip. When you delete your account in the app, all your data are permanently deleted from our servers.
If you want to delete your account, please go to the profile page in the app and click on the Delete account button. If you do not have access to the app anymore, please contact us at the following address:

Contact Us

For any question or problem, please contact us at the following address:

Known issues

Explore page can be empty when location permission is not enabled

What happen

When you navigate to the explore page for the first time, if the location permission is not enabled already, a blank result page will be displayed.

Affected version



Navigate on the record page, start a record, allow location permission, stop and cancel the record, navigate to the explore page again.

Black screen may appear after email confirmation during first login

What happen

When you create your account, Viratrip will ask you to validate your email. When you click on Continue after email validation, you may have a black screen and nothing else.

Affected version



Kill the app and launch it again.